The Leader Of Leaders Conference is an annual gathering of Youth & Kids Ministry Workers from around Queensland and beyond who are leading these ministries. There is input from speakers, as well as an opportunity to share ministry challenges and encouragements.
15-16 October 2024
Camp Tamborine
Andy Stevenson Annemarie Rivers Cam Harte Youthworks Ministry Support
$90 overnight (please bring additional money for dinner out on Tuesday night $25-30)
$45 day trip (includes morning tea + lunch)
Extra accomodation available on Monday evening 14 October, for those are travelling long distances (Additional $35)
This year we will be looking at where we are at in our ministries as well as the flow between kids and youth ministries. Andy Stevenson from Youthworks Ministry Support will be joining us for these discussions, as well as Annemarie Rivers and Cam Harte from the Kids Ministry Support team members. In addition to these facilitated conversations, there will be ample time to share about life and ministry together, utilising a great resource God has given us – one another.
Please also come ready to hear and share some of the things that have been encouraging and challenging in ministry now and in the future.
What's It All About Anyway
- To connect leaders together who are heading up similar kinds of ministry. This helps to create networks of support, both personal and in sharing resources and wisdom, which we pray will promote longevity in their leadership roles.
- To refresh those attending and encourage them as they continue in their ministries.
- To provide some bible-based content that is relevant
,and stimulating for those attending. The goal is to encourage meaningful engagement and reflection, without ‘overloading’ attendees. - To provide time for conversations between the leaders where they can share their experiences. As they listen and discuss, it enables them to reflect and refine their own ministries.